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学术报告预告:微软移动无线组首席研究员(principal researcher)张永光博士报告

May 20, 2014 03:30 PM

演讲人: 张永光博士 微软移动无线组首席研究员(principal researcher)、美国电子电气工程师协会会士(IEEE Fellow)



演讲题目: An overview of networking research at Microsoft Research Asia

Microsoft Research at Beijing, China is one of the best computer science research labs in the world. In this talk, we will introduce a few networking and mobile systems research projects. Ranging from network switches to software radio to mobile phones, these projects exemplify how we conduct research in the Labs. We pick problems that are cool and interesting, but are extremely hard and sometimes moon-shooting, and yet have important practical implications. Some of them have won best paper awards in the best conferences of the field. Some of them have been used by researchers worldwide and have influenced industrial developments. Some have even had a TV talk show made for it.

Yongguang Zhang is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft and leads the Wireless & Networking group at Microsoft Research Asia. Before that, he was a research scientist at Hughes and HRL Labs from 1994 to 2006. He was also on the faculty of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin between 2001 and 2003. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from Purdue University. At Microsoft, he and his team have recently won three Best Paper Awards at NSDI’09, CoNEXT’10, NSDI’11, and five Best Demo Awards at SIGCOMM, NSDI, MobiSys, and SenSys conferences. He was an Associate Editor for IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing and has organized and chaired/co-chaired several international conferences, workshops, and an IETF working group. He was a General Co-Chair for ACM MobiCom’09. He is an IEEE Fellow.

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